Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 11 - A picture of something you hate

You might be confused by this picture. It's supposed to be about something I hate, but I'm smiling. Well, let me explain. This photo was taken the first time I left South Africa for Taiwan. I was so excited at the time that I didn't even think about having to say goodbye to my family and friends. I was just so ready to start my adventure. It was relatively easy to say goodbye, and I got on that plane without a single tear. I remember thinking to myself why people always made such a big deal about saying goodbye at the airport.

Unfortunately, it all went downhill from there. It got harder and harder for me to say goodbye every time I went home. I knew how much I was going to miss them all. I cried more and more with each airport goodbye, and I hated it.

The first time I had to say goodbye to The Boyfriend at the airport was a disaster. We had only been together for four months, and I was heading back to South Africa.  We didn't know when we would see each other again, and I was totally overwhelmed with having to say goodbye to the love of my life. The situation would have been better if I wasn't the world's ugliest crier. I didn't have that perfect tear rolling down my face, which he could gently wipe away. Oh no, I was a mess, and not even a hot one. I could hardly speak, tears and snot all over my face and red, bloodshot eyes. It could not have been more horrible. Especially when I had to go through immigration, and the officer looked at my face, very concerned, and asked me if I was okay.

Luckily, we did see each other again. But I can't say that the airport goodbyes have gotten any better. I still cry when I have to say goodbye to him at the airport, even when I know I'll see him in four days. Pathetic? Yes. Avoidable? Nope. I wish I could be less dramatic, but it's uncontrollable. 

I really really hate saying goodbye at an airport. Unless I'm going somewhere amazing like Thailand. Which is where I will be going today, for a week. I will continue my "30 Day of Reflection" posts when I return. I know I will miss blogging for a week, I've been enjoying it so much. Thanks for everyone that's been reading and sending me messages about my posts, it means so much to me. Okay, goodbye then! I promise myself I wasn't going to cry...


  1. so sweet!! wanneer travel jy weer SA toe?? alita

  2. Ek's nie seker nie. Ons gaan in Augustus USA toe en in Januarie Dubai. En dan wil ons volgende jaar Junie/Julie in Europa gaan toer. Sooo... eintlik het ek geen idee wanneer ek weer in SA kom kuier nie :-/

  3. I can totally relate, in fact I started tearing up reading this! Goodbyes at the airport...sigh. And how do you manage to look so freakin cute in every single one of your pictures!!!! Have a wonderful trip, love you!!! And Danny boy too!!!

  4. I just found your blog through 20sb and came across this post. It must be hard being so far away from family, I'm a home bird so I'd find it really difficult. The ugly crier part made me giggle - I always go all puffy eyed and blotchy, such a good look!

  5. Thanks for checking out my blog! :-) It's definitely hard being away from my family, but I have a good life here and I do get to see them almost once a year.. haha!

    Oh, the crying thing. Yeah, you don't want to see me cry; that image will haunt you for the rest of your life!
