Monday, August 8, 2011

Goodbye, sweet Izak

Dear Izak,

I didn't know that the first time I held you would also be my last. If I'd known, I would have held you in my arms for longer and I would have given you extra kisses on your little fingers and your little feet and your little cheeks. 

I told God that I don't understand why He had taken you away so early, and that it doesn't make any sense. I have so many questions for Him; it's just not fair. You were only three months old.

Sadly, we have to say goodbye to you tomorrow. Just know that we will never forget you. You crawled so deep into our hearts, and that's where we'll keep you forever.

Please look after Mommy and Daddy from heaven, they are heartbroken. They miss and love you more than you could ever know. We will pray for them and ask God to give them the strength they need to get through this pain.

Goodbye, sweet Izak. Rest in peace.

Izak Carel Schoombee 09/05/11 - 02/08/11


  1. Ai Liesl...ek het nou sommer trane in my oe en my hele lyf is vol hoendervleis. Jammer oor julle vriende se babatjie en sterkte vir more. Dit is nie lekker om te groet nie...ek dink aan julle!
