Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 35 - A picture of your favorite place to eat

Mom's food, the BEST in the world
My favorite place in the whole wide world to eat is at my parents’ house. My dad makes a mean barbecue (in South Africa we call it “braai”), and I can never get enough of it. Anything my mom makes is the most delicious meal I’ve ever had! Just look at the picture, how can this lovely spread not make your mouth water uncontrollably?

But alas, I live in Taiwan, so this deliciousness only comes, maybe, once a year when I get to go home. Luckily, The Boyfriend and I have found a fantastic Indian restaurant here in Taipei that we love. I could eat it every day if I wouldn’t get “Delhi belly” (that’s our code word for diarrhea if you didn’t know…)

This saliva inducing little place is called “The Spice Shop”. We try to go there once a week and we order the exact same thing every time. (We’re wild like that!) I love everything about this place and tell everyone I meet that they have to go there, and if they don’t like it, well, FRIENDSHIP OVER!


  1. Dankie vir die kompliment, en ek belowe as julle weer kom kuier, sal daar elke dag so n 'spread' wees..... Met sjampyn !!!!! xxxx

  2. You're right, Mom's house is always the best place to eat. Or grandma's.

    I can't get my husband to try anything new. I forced him to try Thai food once and he complained for weeks.

  3. Bea, are you kidding me? Thai food is fantastic.

    Anyway, the best cookin is at mom's house. Always. My mom makes the best pumpkin pie in the world... *drool*

  4. Hmm I would love to get up in the morning and find this in the dinning room, nice!

  5. That is a pretty nice spread :-)
    I miss eating at my Mom's house too.
