Thursday, February 16, 2012

TAG! You're it!

Ruby, over at Girlfriends are like shoes, tagged me to do this post. So, in the words of Barney Stinson; Challenge accepted!

The Rules:
  1. Post the rules.
  2. Post 11 fun facts about yourself.
  3. Answer the questions that the tagger has set for you.
  4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag.
  5. Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
  6. Let them know you've tagged them.
My 11 fun facts:
  1. I grew up in a small town (population 13 000) in South Africa, and now live in Taipei City (population 3 000 000) in Taiwan.
  2. I love the smell of books. For me, there's nothing quite like taking a whiff from a new book. I also love reading and collecting them.
  3. All three my siblings live abroad; my sister and one of my brothers live in Dubai (UAE) and my oldest brother lives on a cruise ship. My parents still live in South Africa.
  4. I can easily get addicted to almost any TV show.
  5. I met The Boyfriend three years ago at an Oasis concert in Taiwan.
  6. I teach English as a second language. English is also my second language. My first language is Afrikaans, and there are about 7 million native speakers in the world, mostly in South Africa and Namibia.
  7. I love high heels, but I hate wearing them.
  8. I want to see as much of the world as possible; so far I've been to South Africa, Namibia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, USA, United Arab Emirates and the Philippines. I hope to add more this year.
  9. I'm an obsessive list maker.
  10. I am a total dog person.
  11. For some reason, unknown to me, I strongly dislike Nicholas Cage and Mandy Moore.
My questions to answer:
  1. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? My teeth! But I recently got braces, so it's changing as we speak.
  2. What is your favorite song? And why? I really love "Firework" from Katy Perry. It's just one of those feel-great songs.
  3. What is one of your worst habits? Telling The Boyfriend what to do, even though he's a grown man.
  4. What do you value most about your friends? Their unique personalities and sense of humor.
  5. Which do you prefer; dogs or cats? No-brainer! Dogs.
  6. Are you truly happy with your life? Yes I am. I'm very blessed.
  7. What is your favorite TV show? At the moment, "How I met your mother". Of all time, "Friends".
  8. In your opinion, what is the best way to spend a day off? Sleeping in, eating a lot and spending the day outside with The Boyfriend.
  9. If you could be anyone for a day, who would you want to be? Someone with a ridiculous amount of money. I'll use that money to buy food and build houses for people in need.
  10. Which social cause do you personally feel strongest about? Marriage equality. I don't understand why gay couples can't get married in most countries.
Your questions to answer:
  1. What did you eat for breakfast today?
  2. What is one thing you do when you’re by yourself that you wouldn’t do with other people around?
  3. What is your guilty pleasure?
  4. Do you prefer coffee, tea or neither? Why?
  5. Do you believe in “love at first sight”? Why?
  6. Are you subscribed to anyone on YouTube? Whose videos do you watch religiously?
  7. Can you do anything “weird” with your body?
  8. What was the last book you read?
  9. Do you prefer winter or summer? Why?
  10. If you can travel to any country this year, where would you go?
  11. What is your favorite time of the day? Why?
I tag:
  1. Cherry from A day with me
  2. Liesl from Fabulous fashions 4 sensible style
  3. Lovely Tan from It's a lovely day
  4. Jasmine from La Bella Vita
  5. That Brunette One from That Brunette One
  6. Robin from Carolina Robin
  7. Kristina from Pennies from Heaven
  8. Fashionista Era from Fashionista Era
  9. Kinga from Lady K
  10. Remy from Cinnamon Bubbles
  11. Anna from Moments of Libra


  1. that's a lot of questions to answer and create. but ill try my best!!

    1. I know! Took me forever, but glad I did it :-)

  2. awww how sweet!! thanks for tagging me sweetie! ill keep u posted :)

    1. You're welcome! Looking forward to your post :-)

    2. so sweetie! gonna feature the 11 fun facts on my next post on 21 feb and link it back to your blog! thanks sweetie! (interview a lil later..been a lil crazed for time but will do that too :))

  3. Hi Liesl, thank you so much for tagging me along with those amazing bloggers. And, i didn't know you already have visited my sun-kissed country Philippines 'til now. I will schedule this tag questions as my first blog post for March. I usually schedule my posts, and there are already posts lined up for February and even in March, but since I consider this very special, I'll post it as my first post next month as previously said. I can't wait to give little information about myself to my readers and answer those questions you've made... and make my own questions too for those I will be tagging. Again, thank you. I'll let you know once I posted it. :)

    xo, Cherry

    1. Can't wait! :-) I was only in Manila, didn't get to experience much of Philippines. But I'll definitely make another trip there in the future. xxx

  4. Thanks for tagging me. :) I am also a total dog person and I love books.

    Mandy Moore annoys me, too. She seems to have this somewhat snobby air about her. I think she started trying hard to be different from Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, and ended up being a little weird.

    1. Yeah, and she always sings in her movies... gag!!! LOL

  5. Hey, Liesl, It's Liesl! LOL! :)

    I just did this little tag on my blog a couple weeks ago (

    However, I love that you tagged me and always enjoy being a part of them, so, I'm going to answer the question you posted for me in tomorrow's Look of the Day post! :)

    Thank you so much, love your blog and I hope you have a grrrreat rest of the week!

    Liesl :)

    1. Oh, I missed that post of yours, will go check it out now. Looking forward to your answers! :-)

  6. So with you on Number 7 ;-)


  7. Such a fun tag. Cool questions. Love your answers. :)
