Monday, March 12, 2012

Weekend Wondering (Part 2)

As I've mentioned before in a previous post, Weekend Wondering, The Boyfriend says that I think too much. Way too much. But if I didn't, who would remember that we need to buy more milk, or to blow out the candle before we leave the house, or that we have to buy our friend a birthday card? Certainly not him!

Once again, I had many random thoughts this weekend that I thought I'd share with you. Maybe you can answer them for me, or maybe you shouldn't...

1. "What the hell am I dreaming?", I've been thinking to myself every morning for the past few weeks. As long as I can remember, I've always been a dreamer, and I usually remember them. The Boyfriend will tell you that he has had to listen to hundreds of recounts from me. I've always found it interesting, and definitely believe that dreams do have underlying meanings. Well, that was until very recently. 

What does it mean when you dream about being on a ship, that starts to sink, and you have to choose between your passport and a bag of clothes to take with you on the life boat? And why was it so damn difficult for me to choose? Duh! Bag of clothes! Always bag of clothes!

And don't even get me started on the dream where The Boyfriend gave me a "Tiffany blue" dog... Okay, I'll admit, it was freakin' cute and it did combine the three loves of my life: Dogs, The Boyfriend and Tiffany's. Or the one where I ran a marathon and actually survived. Yeah, like that would ever happen...

2. "Am I getting old?", I thought to myself as I was struggling to keep my eyes open at 11:45pm on Saturday. I met up with some friends for a concert, and as all of them headed out to a club afterwards, I opted to go home and was in my pj's in bed with my book at 10:45pm. 

Nowadays, to me that felt like a perfect Saturday night. I couldn't help but hear 20-year old Liesl gasping disapprovingly in my head. But she doesn't understand, a girl can get tired of the party scene, and she will start to feel too old for that sh*t. Plus, it feels pretty awesome to feel pretty awesome on a Sunday morning.

So, what do you think; Am I getting old, or am I just growing up? Also, if any of you happen to be a dream interpreter, could you be so kind as to shed some light on the meaning of my dreams, I'd appreciate it. Unless it's something bad or something that Sigmund Freud would approve of, then I don't want to know about it.


  1. You are getting wiser, knowing what is best for you. B.t.w. wiser is another way of saying older.

    1. Hmmm... I like that! Not "older", but "wiser"! :-)

  2. Check out They have some interesting info on meanings of symbols in dreams.

    1. I know about that site, and I've been thinking of searching it. I'm hesitant though... those dreams were just way too weird. :-D

    2. A lot of times the weirdest ones don't have the negative/bad connotations that you might expect.

  3. I absolutely feel the same about staying in on a Saturday. I still like to go out occasionally, but for the most part, I am completely content with hanging out at home, eating food, and watching a movie. My schedule these days is so busy during the rest of the week that I really just need the weekend to decompress.

    1. I do enjoy going out, but I don't like staying out too late. It's just not worth it to me anymore to waste away my entire Sunday because of it.

      You're right! Working hard just makes your weekend so much more precious.

  4. Love this post, because sometimes I feel like I think too much too. You're not getting old you're just growing up and appreciate sleep a little more that's all or at least that's what I tell my self! Cute blog. I look forward to visiting again. I hope you'll check mine out as well!

    XO Kelley

    1. I do love me some sleep. LOL Thanks for visiting my site and welcome!

      I will check out your blog, too! Have a lovely day!
