Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Happy Halloween!

The Boyfriend and I on our way to the Halloween party.
The Boyfriend and I had so much fun at last year's Halloween party that we decided to go all out again this year. This might become "a thing" until we are really too old and boring to dress up.

This year, The Boyfriend wanted to go as a punk rocker or an '80s rock star. I had no idea what I wanted to wear until I saw an Alice in Wonderland costume and fell in love with it.

Alice in Wonderland
Shopping for our Halloween costumes and accessories is usually a big part of the fun, and we had a hilarious time going through the many costume stores in Taipei and trying on different ridiculous things.

On Saturday, we joined our friends at the same party we went to last year and had an absolute blast. My best friends from South Africa were visiting us here in Taiwan, and it was wonderful that they were able to join us for the Halloween party. We danced until 3 am and then went to one of our favorite 24/7 restaurants for breakfast.

'80s rock star
It was a great night, but I just wish I had taken more pictures, as I saw some really creative and original costumes at the party.

Did you dress up, or are you dressing up, for Halloween this year?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Top 10 Tuesday: Halloween Movies

It's that time of the year; Halloween! Growing up in South Africa, I was deprived of the awesomeness that is Halloween. No trick-or-treating, dressing up in costumes and haunted houses. But, we did get to watch Halloween-type movies.

Although thrillers and horrors aren't my top picks of movie genres, I do enjoy a scary movie once in a blue moon. I try to steer clear of The Exorcist-type movies and would much rather watch a psychological thriller. But, to be totally honest, I get scared easily and I'm one of those people that will wake up in the middle of the night and think: "Hey, you know which movie would be awesome to think about right now? Poltergeist." That's why I mostly stick to the feel-good genres.

On Sunday evening, I finally persuaded The Boyfriend to watch Hocus Pocus with me. Albeit not a scary movie, it is my favorite Halloween movie, and I was appalled by the fact that The Boyfriend, a 29-year old American, has never seen it.

Here are my top 10 picks for Halloween-appropriate movies:
(I also posted links to the movie trailers, but because they are mostly older movies, the quality isn't great.)

1. Scream (1996)

I didn't care much for the other movies that were released after this one, but I really enjoyed the first. When it was released I was still in elementary school, and at that time it was pretty freakin' scary. Watch the trailer here.

2. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

I actually saw this one, the original, for the first time a few years after watching the 2003 remake. (Which is also worth a watch.) The original is way better in my opinion. Watch the trailer here.

3. Beetlejuice (1988)

A classic. I've probably seen this movie more than twenty times, and I'll watch it anytime it's on TV still. Definitely funnier than scary. And a little weird! My favorite part is where they sing that song around the dinner table. Here's the trailer.

4. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

Anthony Hopkins was incredible in this movie. I still get the chills when I think about his performance. I'm thinking of watching it again this week, it's been a while. Watch the trailer here.

5. The Addams Family (1991)

Who didn't love this movie as a child? My friends and I watched this a million times. The second one was cute, too. Watch the trailer.

6. Interview with the Vampire (1994)

I've only seen this movie once, when I was very young. But it made a big impact on me and I've never forgotten about it. I should probably watch it again, but I'm afraid it won't be as good as I've built it up in my mind to be. Maybe I should read the book first? Here's the trailer.

7. The Witches (1990)

The Boyfriend and I were just talking about this movie a few weeks ago. I can't remember details in this movie, but I know I watched it more than once as a child and that it was kind of creepy. Here's the trailer

8. Halloween (1978)

What would a list of Halloween movies be without the original Halloween movie? Even though I enjoyed most of the other releases as well, nothing beats the original. You can watch the trailer here.

9. The Craft (1996)

Does anyone remember this movie? My friends and I were obsessed with it and watched it over and over. We even tried to do the magic they do in the movie. It didn't work... Bummer! Here's the trailer.

10. Hocus Pocus (1993)

What's not to love about this movie? I'll probably be watching this with my kids one day. Definitely my favorite Halloween movie. Watch the trailer.

Which movies do you like to watch around Halloween time?

Friday, October 26, 2012

I'm nesting

Stuff I "needed"...
Recently, I've become aware of some reoccurring behavior on my part. Every year around this time, when it starts getting colder, I start "nesting", like some kind of animal preparing for winter. Suddenly all I want to do is clean, cook and bake, redecorate the apartment and buy things we totally "need" like cozy knitted blankets, candles, new sheets, towels, cushions, flowers, lots of food that The Boyfriend and I can't possibly finish, and house plants... 

Don't even get me started on the obsessive organizing and reorganizing; throwing out of things I think we don't need and rearranging things that did make the cut to stay for at least another year, until I go through this crazy phase again.

I know this nesting instinct is common during pregnancy, but I'm definitely not, and it happens every year around this time. It got me thinking, and I've now rationalized this compulsion to accumulate and "nest" and organize. I'm a 27-year old woman; according to nature, I'm supposed to be procreating and providing for and protecting my young by now. 

But I have no young, not even a pet to "baby" and take care of. I've tried redirecting this nurturing instinct on The Boyfriend by wanting to do everything for him, and wanting to tell him what to do, but (un)fortunately, he can pretty much take care of himself and definitely doesn't need me to do that.

Am I "going against nature" by waiting to have children in my thirties? I'm wondering if any of you ladies experience this nesting instinct as well, or am I the only blanket-buying-cookie-baking-boyfriend-babying-obsessive-organizing-weirdo out here?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

I love fall TAG

It's "tag" time again! The "I love fall TAG" has been floating around the interweb for the past few weeks, and, because I'm a lover of all things fall, I thought it would be fun to answer the questions and tag some other bloggers.

I don't know where it originated and who came up with the questions, but here we go:

Question 1: 
What is your favorite fall lip product?

Even though I love the burgundy lipstick trend this year, I'm not brave enough to wear it. My favorite lip product for fall, and basically all year-round, is Blistex DCT lip balm. Out of all the lip balms I've used in my life, and believe me, I've tried a lot, I keep going back to this one. It's not a lip balm that I have to re-apply every 10 minutes, and it keeps dry and chapped lips at bay, especially during the cold, dry months. As far as I know, I can't buy it here in Taiwan, so I usually stock up when I'm in the States or in South Africa.

Question 2: 
What is your favorite fall nail polish?

Oh, this is so hard. How can I choose just one!? My most worn colors for fall are different shades of red and burgundy and taupe  Some of my favorites are OPI "Berlin There Done That" , Revlon "Revlon Red" and Essie "Skirting the Issue" .

Question 3: 
What is your favorite Starbucks fall drink?

I don't think Starbucks here in Taiwan releases drinks especially for fall. They do have the Christmas drinks during the holidays. I don't get Starbucks often, but during the colder months I will usually opt for the Vanilla Hazelnut Latte or the Caramel Macchiato. 

Question 4: 
What is your favorite fall candle?

I really love Yankee Candle Farmer's Market. Whenever you pass by a Yankee Candle store, do yourself a favor and get a whiff of this one. It is the perfect fall fragrance. There are some others I want to try out this year as well, you can check out my list of Top 10 Candles for fall & winter.

Question 5: 
What is your favorite fall scarf or accessory?

It's all about the leopard print for me this year, so naturally I reach for my leopard print scarf the most. My most worn accessory is the same all year round; my gold Michael Kors watch.

Question 6: 
Which is your favorite; haunted house, haunted hay ride or haunted corn maze?

Seeing as I grew up in South Africa where Halloween is not really "celebrated", haunted houses, hay rides and corn mazes are not things that I have ever experienced. It does sound like fun though. 

Question 7: 
What is your favorite Halloween movie?

No-brainer! Hocus Pocus. Always was, and always will be.

Question 8: 
What is your favorite candy to eat on Halloween?

I'm not picky when it comes to candy, as I have an insatiable sweet tooth. I'll eat any candy I can get my hands on really. I do prefer dark chocolate over candy though.

Question 9: 
What are you dressing up as for Halloween?

So far I'm planning on dressing up as Alice from Alice in Wonderland. But that's not 100% for sure yet.

Question 10: 
What is your favorite thing about fall?

I recently posted the Top 10 Things I love about fall. It's impossible for me to choose just one.

I tag all bloggers reading this, who love fall just as much as I do, to do this tag.

What's your favorite Halloween movie?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Top 10 Tuesday: Quotes I love and live by (Part 2)

To say that my previous post about my favorite quotes was wildly popular, would be an understatement. For a long time, my Top 10 Tuesday: Quotes I love and live by post was by far the most viewed post I have on my blog. 

Well, seeing as you guys obviously love quotes, I decided to post some more quotes I love, because I have many more where that came from.

1. "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined." - Henry David Thorean

2. "A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle." - James Keller

3. "Wake up every day with the thought that something wonderful is about to happen." - Unknown

4. "You musn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, Darling." - Inception

5. "Follow your heart, but take your brain with you." - Unknown

6. "Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher." - Oprah

7. "Never get tired of doing little things for others. Sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts." - Unknown

8. "Why fit in when you were born to stand out." - Dr. Seuss

9. "Let all that you do be done in Love." - 1 Cor. 16:14

10. "What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?" - Unknown

Share some of your favorite quotes.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Top 10 Tuesday: Candles for fall & winter

By now you all know that I'm obsessed with candles. Even though I burn candles in my house throughout the year, fall and winter are my favorite seasons to have candles going.

At the moment I'm burning Slatkin and Co.'s "Caribbean Escape". Maybe it's because I'm not totally out of summer vacation mode yet? I love these candles. I prefer the bigger 3-wick ones, as they are very fragrant and enough to make my entire apartment smell good.

Here are some of the candles that I'm eyeing to buy this fall and winter:

1. Tocca "Stella"

2. Yankee Candle "Farmers' Market"

3. Jo Malone "Nectarine Blossom & Honey"

4. Diptyque "Tubéreuse Rouge"

5. NEST "Holiday Scented 3-Wick"

6. Trapp "No.4 Orange Vanilla"

7. Slatkin & Co. "Leaves"

8. Seda France "Pamplemousse & Baie Cameo"

9. The Fine Cotton Company "Love Me"

10. Bisoux Maison "Cedarwood, Frankincense & Patchouli"

Which candle(s) do you love burning during fall and winter?


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