Saturday, March 23, 2013

INSANITY Day 1 to 6 (Week 1)

Yeah baby, I did it! Week 1 of INSANITY is done and dusted. At the moment, I'm sweating a puddle around my computer chair, but I feel great! Last week I told you all about my plan to do INSANITY, you can read that post here.

Here's a breakdown of my workouts this past week (I wrote a paragraph straight after doing each workout):

Day 1 - Fit Test (Monday)

After 15 minutes of struggling to get the DVD working, we were finally able to meet Shaun T and do the "Fit Test". To be honest, it was easier than I thought it would be. (Not that it's easy. I just expected way worse because of what everyone else have been telling me about it.) I guess this must be one of the easier workouts out of the bunch, so I'm not even gonna feel good about myself. I'm feeling great and excited for tomorrow's workout.

Day 2 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit (Tuesday)

I've been so motivated since yesterday and looked forward to today's workout. This one was a bit longer than yesterday and also A LOT tougher. We pulled through and felt great afterwards. Nothing like some "happy hormones" flooding your body. I'm definitely gonna feel it tomorrow. Actually, I already feel it... 

Day 3 - Cardio Power & Resistance (Wednesday)

I just finished today's workout and I'm still a little shaky. Today was really tough. I didn't start off great. I woke up at 5:30am this morning from a mosquito, and couldn't fall asleep again. Then I worked 9 hours straight and immediately after that took on Day 3. To top it off, I was hungry before I started. Not a good combination. But, I did it and learned my lesson about going into a workout on an empty stomach.

Day 4 - Cardio Recovery (Thursday)

I have died and gone to heaven. Today's workout was a nice break from the insanity. "Cardio Recovery" was just what I needed after 3 days of crazy workouts. It was short and consisted mostly of stretching and controlled yoga-like poses. Feeling great right now! And I think my sore muscles can finally catch a break.

Day 5 - Pure Cardio (Friday)

Lawd have mercy! I seriously don't know how I got through this one. "Pure Cardio" is definitely not for the faint hearted. I think this one has been the hardest so far. Many times I wanted to yell at the screen: "Shaun T, where's my water break!?", but I couldn't because I was gasping for air and barely breathing. Really really tough!

Day 6 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit (Saturday)

I had to do today's workout at home by myself, as I've been doing it with two of my co-workers after work at school. We have a huge room with a big screen and projector there, perfect for this madness. The Boyfriend helped me move away our ridiculously heavy coffee table, so I had space for my workout this morning. I enjoyed blasting the air conditioner, and today's "Plyometric Cardio Circuit" was easier for me than on Tuesday. Maybe because I knew what to expect and what to do. (I didn't have to look at the screen all the time to see how they're doing it.) I feel energized and motivated right now, and especially happy that tomorrow is a "Rest Day".

So far, I'm enjoying this challenge. It's hard, but I can already notice the benefits of doing it. Even though my muscles have been sore every day since I started, I can also feel it getting stronger. I also noticed that I have a lot more energy during the day, and sleep better at night. It's also been a lot easier for me making healthier choices when it comes to food. It just feels wrong to eat junk when you're working out this hard. 

Like I said, two of my co-workers are doing INSANITY with me, and some of my friends. We've been motivating each other, and it feels so good doing this together with other people. Is there anyone else out there participating in this madness right now?

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


  1. Lysie, you will never know how proud I am of you. Must be the headstrong Benkenstein genes kicking in!!!
    Keep us updated, just love this post.
    Love u very much xxxx

    1. Thanks, Mamma! I'll update every week. Hope you're having a ball in Dubai! Love you <3

  2. Ek en Freddie het gister dag 1 - fitness test gedoen... sjoe! Lekker om jou updates te lees en te sien wat voorle x

    1. Awesome, ek's so opgewonde vir julle! Dis baie hectic, maar dit voel so lekker as jy dit klaar gedoen het. Druk net deur en doen dit elke dag. Ek is nou in Week 7, en ek kan nie glo ek doen dit nou al vir so lank nie. Laat weet my hoe julle eerste week was! <3

  3. dag 4 en ons is seeeeer! hahaha! maar dis fun. ons follow die diet ook baie streng so hoop vir lekker results. Sien jy al lekker results? voel of ek so baie eet maar apparently is dit nodig...

    ugh my kuite voel of hulle afval soos ek hier sit.

    1. Ek was seer vir flippen 2 weke! Haha! Hoe is die eetplan? Ek probeer maar net gesonder eet, soms gaan dit beter as ander kere. ;-)

      Ek sien en voel al baie resultate! Ek het al baie body fat verloor en spiere gebou, so my gewig het maar om en by nog dieselfde gebly. (Dis nie my goal om te verloor nie, en as dit was so ek nie so baie geeet het nie... haha!) Maar my klere sit anders aan my en ek is baie meer toned en ek is baie sterker en fit is wat ek aan die begin was. Dit voel lekker!

      So lekker om julle updates te hoor! Sterkte met die res van die week! xxx
