Saturday, March 30, 2013

INSANITY: Day 8 to 13 (Week 2)

Yes! I haven't given up yet. In fact, I'm actually really enjoying this madness. The workouts are really tough, but I'm loving the challenge and the fact that I'm 2 weeks in and still alive.

Here are my daily updates from this past week's workouts:

Day 8 - Cardio Power & Resistance (Monday)

I felt sluggish all day because I didn't sleep well, and ate way too much over the weekend. Today's workout kicked my a**, but I did feel a little better afterwards. Nothing that a little crazy jumping around can't fix.

Day 9 - Pure Cardio (Tuesday)

AAAAH! This workout is insane! I knew it was going to be crazy, as this is the same one we did last Friday. Definitely the toughest one out of the bunch so far. I managed to finish it without collapsing... actually, I might collapse right now...

Day 10 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit (Wednesday)

Damn, this was the 3rd cardio workout in a row, and I really had to push myself not to give up. Many of the movements are so fast, I can barely keep up. I feel awesome now though, because I know tomorrow is "Cardio Recovery" time. Woohoo!

Day 11 - Cardio Recovery (Thursday)

Mmmm... now that felt good. Just like last Thursday, we did the "Cardio Recovery" workout today. I can't describe how amazing it feels to stretch out my sore muscles and give them a break. This was a very welcomed recovery day. You're welcome, Muscles.

Day 12 - Cardio Power & Resistance (Friday)

I did tonight's workout at home, as I had an appointment and didn't have time to do it at work. I had a loooong day, and didn't feel very excited about this one. Now that I'm finished though, I'm glad I pulled through and did it. The week's workouts are almost over.

Day 13 - Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs (Saturday)

As if doing "Pure Cardio" on a Saturday morning isn't bad enough, today we had to do "Cardio Abs" as well. Quoting Shaun T, our insane INSANITY trainer, "This sh*t is bananas y'all!". I was already DONE after "Pure Cardio", but decided to just do "Cardio Abs" and get it over with. I think I'm gonna have to pass out for the rest of the day...

This week flew by, and at the end of week 2 I'm happy to say that I'm definitely starting to see and feel some major changes in my body. My core is getting much stronger and I'm feeling more toned all over.

My weight has remained consistent, although I'm eating a lot more lately. Once my metabolism gets going, it's hard to stop it. I'm making much healthier choices though and have definitely been spending more time in the fruit and veg aisle at the supermarket. (My mom will be proud!)

Today's healthy breakfast (muesli with blueberries, almonds and cinnamon)
I had to do the last two workouts at home, which means I can take a much-needed shower straight after my workout, instead of having to sit on the bus from work for 40 minutes, giving the usual smelly and sweaty junior high boys' baseball team a taste of their own medicine. I still prefer working out with my co-workers though, it's more fun.

This is were the action happens after work.
Lots of space, and a big screen to see Shaun T the way he should be seen...

Check back for next week's update. Have a nice weekend, everyone!

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