Saturday, May 18, 2013

INSANITY: Day 57 to 63 (Final Week)

Aaaaand... that's 2 months of pure INSANITY for ya, done and dusted! Can you believe I managed to finish this program? I can't! Here are my updates from the last week of madness:

Day 57 - Max Interval Plyo (Monday)

I have the day off from work and did the workout while The Boyfriend was out on his jog. I tried to persuade him to join me, but I guess after last time's spectacle, he knew not to give in this time. I love working out in the mornings and feel ready and energized for the day. Although, I know I'm probably going to be super lazy and do a whole lotta nothing...

Day 58 - Max Cardio Conditioning & Insane Abs (Tuesday)

Oops... I realized that I did the wrong workout yesterday. I accidentally did Max Cardio Conditioning instead of Max Interval Plyo, so I had to switch them again today. I'm taking a little break now before I'm taking on Insane Abs, which I'm definitely not looking forward to. This week, I decided to do all my workouts at home, in the comfort of my air conditioner, which means I no longer have my workout buddies with me. Boo!

Day 59 - Max Interval Circuit (Wednesday)

I was Miss Lazy Bum today after I got home from work, and procrastinated like no other before I finally got up and did this workout. I'm feeling kinda over it now and looking forward to finish the program this weekend.

Day 60 - Max Interval Sports Training (Thursday)

I didn't even give myself a chance to sit down when I got home from work today, because it is so much harder to feel motivated for these workouts after you've sat down for a while after a long day at work. I just threw on my workout gear and had an amazing workout. Starving right now!

Day 61 - Max Interval Plyo (Friday)

Aunt Flo is in town (too much information?) which meant that I'm feeling a little sluggish at the moment and really just wanted to curl up in a ball on the couch and watch TV. I've also been having really bad headaches and cramps, which didn't make me excited for the workout at all today. But, I managed to pull through and just finished it.

Day 62 - Max Cardio Conditioning & Insane Abs (Saturday)

I was super pumped this morning to do these two workouts, because they were the LAST ones. Yeah! After having my morning coffee and a banana, I jumped right into it and gave it my all for old times' sake. I was exhausted already before starting Insane Abs, and definitely struggled through that one. BUT, I'm finished now! Woohoo!

Day 63 - Fit Test (Sunday)

Tomorrow I'll do the final Fit Test. Eeek! I'm going to write a detailed post about my entire INSANITY experience and my final thoughts on this workout program, which should be up on the blog within a week. I'll include my Fit Test results, some before and after pics, my personal INSANITY tips for those of you thinking of taking on the challenge, and some other bits and bobs.

Thanks for everyone's support and motivation! Now it's time to celebrate. Cake anyone?


  1. Well done Lysie, i am really very proud of you. Love u xxx

    1. Dankie, Mamma! Ek's bly om klaar te wees, was nou al bietjie gatvol van so baie oefen. xxx

  2. Congrats! I just can't do it, haha.
