Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 13 - Somewhere you would like to move or visit

My INSTAGRAM: @_liesl_

Somewhere I would like to move or visit? Well, those are two totally different things, aren't they? There are many places that I'd still like to visit, but it's not necessarily places I see myself moving to.

At the top of my list of places I want to visit, is Paris. It's always been a dream of mine; the cafĂ©s, the patisseries, the famous sites, the hidden alleys, the architecture, the romance, the fashion... oh, the list goes on. But it's always just been a dream. Until...

A few month ago, The Boyfriend and I were browsing online and decided to check flights from Taipei to Paris. It was just random, but it planted the idea in our heads. We couldn't stop talking and daydreaming about all the things we'd do there.

Audrey Hepburn said: "Paris is always a good idea". So he contacted our travel agent and a few days later we threw caution to the wind and booked our tickets to the City of Love. We leave for France in exactly 11 days. As you can imagine, my level of excitement is immeasurable. It's a dream come true!

I've been working hard on our itinerary, which is jam-packed with all the things we want to do and see during our 7 days in Paris. I love planning out our trips, and this one has been especially fun to plan. To be honest, it's still a little surreal to me.

Who knows, we might like it so much that we do want to move there someday... Never say never!

Have you been to the City of Love? 
What things are at the top of your must-see and must-do lists?


  1. I've never been to Paris but I would love to visit! My mother has been there and I love hearing her stories.


    1. My mom also traveled there when I was in high school and she loved it. I still have the denim jacket she got me from Paris! :-)

  2. i have never been to paris even if i live just 2 hours flight from it! I cannot wait to see all the amazing photos you are going to post!!

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    The Chic and Cheap Blog

    1. Girl, get your bum on a plane! :-D I'll definitely post a bunch of pictures when I get back, so stay tuned. xxx

  3. You are going to love Paris!!! Cant wait for your photos xxx

    1. I can't wait! I'm sure we'll take thousands of photos ;-) xxx

  4. its also my dream! i love Paris and i think is the best city ever for a trip....cant wait to see your photos....have fun!

  5. How exciting and so very lucky! You guys are going to have so much fun.

    Sex w. Candy

    1. We just got back this past Sunday. We had a lovely time and I'll post all about it, probably this weekend. :-)
