Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Happy Birthday, Mamma!

My beautiful mother, Suzette
It would be rude not to write a special birthday post to the one person I know who reads every single one of my blog posts. (Even the boring ones that other readers might skip.) Thanks, Mom!

Can you believe that this stunning woman is 60 years old today? I know, neither can I. I would like to say an extra special Happy Birthday to the most amazing woman I know; my mom.

I realized that I've never really told you guys about her, and I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity. I know that everyone says that they have "the best mom in the world", but I really feel that I do. 

She is the most loving, kind and understanding person that I know and she's taught me so much. I'm really blessed to have her as a mother, and a friend. When The Boyfriend lovingly says, "you are just like your mom", I take it as the biggest compliment, as she is my role model.

Let me paint you a little picture about her. She is a tiny, petite woman, but she's the bravest and strongest person I know. Her life has not been all rainbows and butterflies, and she's had to go through some pretty tough times. Still she lives life to the fullest and manages to see the good in people and treats everyone with kindness and respect.

She was a sporty girl growing up, and a ballerina for many years. After school, she attended a design school in Cape Town, and made a good life for herself designing and making clothes. After that, her and my dad had a very successful small business.

My mom is a dog person, loves to laugh and could live on Coke Light and dark chocolate. She'd be the happiest person alive if it was summer 12 months out of the year. She really can't stand to be cold, which is why she has a grand collection of fuzzy warm slippers and socks that makes up for most of her closet, and also why she spends many months out of the year visiting my siblings in hot Dubai.

She barely sits down during the day, and is always either working, running the house or in her garden. She has green fingers and a spectacular garden to show for it. She likes to get comfy on her lazy-boy chair in the evenings, and will spend her time on her beloved iPad, Skyping with all of us, playing Farmville or browsing online.

Don't think you'll be able to "out-shop" this woman. She puts me to shame on a day of shopping and has the stamina of a marathon runner. She can walk around for hours... (actually, days, if she didn't have to sleep). Not that she sleeps a lot anyway... 4 to 6 hours are all she needs.

She also gets busy in the kitchen and can cook up any meal your heart desires. She also loves baking cupcakes. I know what you're thinking; is there anything this woman can't do!? And the answer is no. She can do everything and that's also why we call her, "Supermom".

My mom has taught us so much, not only with her words, but mostly through her actions and character. I always notice how she treats people; friends, family and strangers. She makes everyone feel so special and you can't help but love her after spending time with her. Well, I'm a little biased of course, but I know how much my friends and The Boyfriend love her, too. I can really go on for hours about how amazing my mom is; her generosity and good heart has touched so many lives.

My mom is my role model and I just hope that I can be such a good mother as her one day. My future kids will have the best grandmother in the world, and I know she's going to spoil them rotten.

My mom and I in South Africa this past February.
Happy Birthday, Mamma! May all your wildest dreams come true. You mean the world to us, thank you for being our everything! Love you to the moon and back.


  1. So true! She did give me the same feeling as the way you describe! Happy Birthday, Suzette!

    1. I'm so glad that you and Christiaan got to meet her. She really liked you guys as well, and I know that she was praying for you when you were going through that really tough time. <3

  2. Liefste Lysie,
    Baie dankie vir jou pragtige woorde, en ook dat ek weet jy dit bedoel. Dis vir my net die wonderlikste ding om voluit te leef en elke dag te hanteer soos dit na my toe kom. Om positief te wees en te lewe is die groot geheim. Baie baie lief vir jou en Daniel, geniet julle dag. Sien ampertjies xxxx

    1. So lief vir Mamma! Wens ek kon vandag saam met julle wees. Ons sal weer moet partytjie hou as ek daar is, ne? ;-) Geniet Mamma se dag ten volle! xxx

  3. Your mom sounds awesome and looks adorable. Happy birthday to her!

    1. Thanks, girl! She is adorable, I could just carry her around in my pocket! :-D

  4. Met 4 sulke ongelooflike kinders en alreeds 3 aangenaaide lappies, is ek die gelukkigste Mamma ooit, al die ondersteuning, liefde, en bederfies maak alles so die moeite werd om te leef en te laat leef. Die Here het my in oorvloed geseen en al wat ek kan se is baie dankie, dankie, dankie. Love u with all my heart ❤️

    1 Baby marrow, grated
    400 g Can chickpeas, drained
    2 Slices seed bread
    8 tsp Crunchy peanut butter
    1 Large egg yolk
    1 KNORR Brown Onion Gravy
    1 tbsp Robertsons Mixed Herbs
    375 ml Evenly diced, steamed vegetables (eg: potato, butternut, turnip)
    Oil for frying
    In a pan heat oil over medium heat.
    Sautè onion, add garlic and baby marrow, cook for 5 minutes.
    Place onion and baby marrow into a sieve and press out any liquid.
    Place into a large bowl.
    Place remaining ingredients except the steamed vegetables and oil into a food processor and process until rough.
    Stir the vegetables into the processed mixture, then add to the baby marrow mixture.
    Refrigerate the mixture for 2 hours.
    Roll the mixture into sausage shapes to fit into hotdog rolls.
    Chill for a few minutes in the refrigerator.
    In a frying pan heat oil.
    Fry sausages gently (ensuring they do not break up) until golden brown.
    Serve in hotdog rolls and top with grated cheese if you wish.
    OPTIONAL: Shape into smaller sausages to fit into cocktail rolls.
    Great for picnics and family outings!
