Monday, June 10, 2013

Wanderlust TAG

I haven't done a TAG post in a while, have I? Recently, I watched one of my favorite YouTubers, ESSIEBUTTON, and her boyfriend do the "Wanderlust TAG" and I loved it. I couldn't wait to do this tag here on Pretty.Random.Things. as I'm kind of a travel junkie. Let's jump into it!

1. Your most treasured passport stamp?

There are many stamps that I treasure, but I'm gonna go with my first stamp coming into Taiwan in January 2008. I had just graduated from university and I was ready for a new chapter and adventure in my life. Moving to Taiwan was the best choice I ever made, as it opened so many doors for me and has provided me with so many unforgettable experiences. It's also here in Taiwan that I met The Boyfriend, the love of my life.

2. Can you recite your passport number from memory if asked?

Definitely! I have had to write that number down SO many times, I'd have to be an idiot not to remember it.

3. Preferred method of travel; planes, trains or automobiles?

Obviously, I prefer planes because it's the fastest way to get somewhere. But after our cruise last year, I think I like traveling by large luxury cruise liners the most.

4. Top 3 travel items?

I'm not going to list the obvious things like travel documents and money. I can't travel without a camera, lip balm and a travel guide, like Lonely Planet. I love reading a lot about a place before I go there.

5. Hostel or hotel?

Hostel? Oh, hell no! I'm sorry, but I can't stay in a hostel. I need my own space that's quiet and clean, and where I have my own bedroom and bathroom. When choosing a hotel, we like to splurge once in a while, but if we go somewhere where we are going to do a lot of sightseeing and activities and spend barely any time at the hotel, we usually opt for a budget hotel. As long as it's clean, has a nice bathroom, air conditioner and in a safe neighborhood.

6. Are you a repeat visitor or do you explore new places?

I'm a little bit of both. I love visiting new places and adding new countries to my list, but then there are those little gems like Thailand, which is a short flight from Taiwan, that we've visited multiple times. Sometimes you just want a little break to a place that you know what to expect and what it's going to be like.

7. Do you read up on your destination (culture, history, safety) or do you wing it?

I'm an obsessive planner. Before traveling, I will usually create a detailed itinerary of what to do each day. I'll also read up on everything about that place and we always buy a travel guide. I like to be prepared and make sure we'll have enough time to do everything and see everything. Although, I don't obsess about it if we change our itinerary while we're there or if we don't get to follow it exactly. It's more of a guideline.

8. Favorite travel website?

I like to visit Lonely Planet's website for information, and also Tripadvisor for hotel, restaurant and sightseeing reviews. For hotel bookings we always use Agoda.

9. Where would you recommend a friend to visit?

It totally depends on the person and what type of vacation they're looking for. Relaxing beach vacation? Definitely Thailand. Everything to help you relax is cheap; food, massages, luxury accommodation, etc. If you want to see many places in a short amount of time, I'd definitely recommend a cruise with multiple port stops. I always tell people to visit South Africa as well, as that's where I'm from and I believe it's a truly amazing place to see and experience. 

10. You're leaving tomorrow, money is no option, where are you going?

Tahiti, French Polynesia. AKA Heaven.

I tag everyone who like to travel, or would love to!