Wednesday, August 14, 2013

5 Things I Love...

Maybe, because of the lack of blog action here on Pretty.Random.Things., some of you might have been wondering where I've been. Or maybe you didn't notice my absence here on the interwebs? No, I haven't been vacationing on an exotic island nor have I been on some fabulous trip to Europe; I've been in full-on wedding planning mode, having only 5 and a half months left before The Big Day. (*deep breaths everyone!) But, between choosing a photographer, a DJ, dresses for my bridesmaids, invitations, food, decor, The Dress, flowers etc etc, I've also been thinking about a new series I can start on my blog.

I used to have the Top 10 Tuesday series, which I really enjoyed because I could make lists to my heart's content. But now it's time for something new. Sticking with my love of lists, I've decided on a new series that I'm calling 5 Things I love... where I'll be listing 5 things I love every week.

The quote: "Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate" has always been a favorite of mine and one that I try to live up to. I'm thinking I'll post my list on Fridays or Saturdays, as those are my favorite blogging days, but I really can't promise anything, as sometimes I get a little busy with work and life and stuff.

If you feel inspired and want to post 5 Things I love... on your blog, let me know and also share a link to your site, as I'd love to read it.

Happy Hump Day!