Friday, August 23, 2013

5 Things I Love...

I love...

1. ... the sound of rain falling outside when I'm going to bed.

2. ... that the security guard at work ALWAYS smiles and seems to be the happiest person on this planet. And I love that, even after working there for almost 4 years, he still doesn't call me by my name, but instead calls me "Charming Girl". So cute!

3. ... that I was able to spend the entire day in my pj's on Wednesday because of a tropical storm passing Taiwan, causing school and work closures for the day.

4. ... the chocolates my co-worker brought me from Japan, which I gobbled up in 10 seconds flat.

5. ... my sister for sending me a huge 5 kilogram care package from Dubai for my birthday, filled with things she knows will make me so happy.

What are you loving today?

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