Saturday, November 30, 2013

FOCUS T25 (Week 5)

We've officially finished the Alpha phase of the FOCUS T25 workout program, people! And that means we're halfway through the challenge. After 5 weeks of exercising 6 days a week, my body is so much stronger, I've lost inches around my waist and I feel more energized.

Here are my updates from Week 5:

Day 29 - Total Body Circuit (Monday)

We were a little upset to see that we have Total Body Circuit three times this week, but we gave it our all today. I'm definitely improving on the amount of push-ups I can do, and that I can hold a plank for longer than I used to. What what!

Day 30 - Ab Intervals (Tuesday)

I decided to not be negative about this one before starting, but that only lasted for, like, 5 minutes. My abs are definitely not very strong, so I find this workout so difficult and frustrating. I'd rather do any other exercise than ab workouts.

Day 31 - Total Body Circuit (Wednesday)

Here we go again... I had some new workout buddies today and it was actually a little funny to see them struggling. And I thought I was bad at this workout! It's good to know that I only have to do Total Body Circuit one more time until we're at the end of the Alpha phase. Hallelujah!

Day 32 - Cardio (Thursday)

Unfortunately I didn't have time to exercise today. Yes, seriously, I didn't have 25 minutes today to exercise. Work and a very loooooong hair appointment took up most of my day and I passed out at 21:30. I'll try to fit this one in over the weekend though.

Day 33 - Lower Focus (Friday)

Loved this workout today! It's been a little chilly in Taipei lately and this one really warmed us up. It felt great! Although Total Body Circuit is also scheduled for today, I'm going to do it tomorrow morning at home.

Day 34 - Total Body Circuit & Stretch (Saturday)

Yes! No more Total Body Circuit madness for me! I just finished it and I'm so happy I don't have to do it again. But, I have a sneaky suspicion that I'll long for this one once we start the Beta Phase workouts, which should be a lot more difficult... Oh well... Stretch was nice and I feel great now. I love ending my week's workouts with a good ol' Stretch.

It's unbelievable how fast the Alpha Phase went by. I've been working out 6 days a week for 5 weeks!? It really doesn't feel like it. 25 minutes per workout is nothing and it flies by! All this exercising has definitely paid off, and my body feels great! After 5 weeks, all the muscles in my body are more defined and I've lost inches around my waist (I can notice it when I have to start pulling up my skinny jeans every 5 minutes). I have a lot more energy during the day, and exercising this often causes me to make healthier choices when grabbing something to eat. But, old habits die hard and I still like to snack...

I would say that my legs and abs have developed the most, and my core is much stronger. I had a quick peek at the Beta Phase workouts and they seem to have more arm workouts, which is good. That was a little lacking in the Alpha Phase

I'm so motivated for the Beta Phase, and can't wait to start on Monday! Remember to check back next weekend for my first update of these new workouts.

Have a wonderful weekend!