Friday, April 11, 2014

Wherefore art thou Liesl?

Follow me on INSTAGRAM @_liesl_

I know, I know! Things have been very quiet here on Pretty.Random.Things. lately. To be honest, I haven't been feeling inspired or motivated to blog. I can't force it, so no inspo means no bloggo. But I don't know what it is about spring that gives me a fresh jolt of motivation to write. The sunshine? The birds chirping? The blossoms?

Whatever it is, I've been jotting down ideas like crazy of things I want to share with you guys. Expect a lot of spring-related ramblings. Also, I've been getting some requests for specific posts. Please do share what you would like me to write about. You can send me an email at or just leave a comment down below.

Don't forget to enter my ASOS $100 Gift Voucher Giveaway, it's still open until May 2nd, 2014. (P.S For those of you shopaholics living in the US, ASOS has a 20% off coupon code right now until April 14th, 2014 on your entire order, so definitely go check it out! Use the code XTRA20 at checkout. You're welcome! *wink)

I wish each and every one of you a fantastic weekend. 
Enjoy the lovely weather wherever you are!


  1. I know I've been quiet on my blog too. It's definitely becoming a little more difficult to become inspired when things are so busy that I'm constantly in work mode. But spring will help us out!


    1. It's good to hear that I'm not the only one. :-D All the best to you, Ashley!
