Monday, October 19, 2015

Weekend Me-Time


Ah, weekend me-time; there are few things quite like it. Because The Husband works for a few hours on a Saturday morning, I make sure to recharge my introvert self by occupying myself with the things that feed my soul; music, photography, books and a relaxing cup of tea.

Current me-time favorites:

- Grown Alchemist Vanilla & Orange Peel hand cream (here)

- KINFOLK Volume 17 (here)

- Sudio KLANG earphones (here) Get 15% off your purchase with code: LIESL15 (until Oct 31, 2015)

- Harrods English Breakfast tea (here)

Do you set aside a time for yourself every week? 
What do you like to do for quality me-time? 


  1. Love this!! Everyone needs a little bit of "me time" here and there. Sunday is usually my chill day so I'll make some coffee, watch movies, and freshen up my nails while wearing a face mask. So relaxing!! Love your post!

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